"Prato patrimônio peruano"

Foto: Jesus Antonio Vargas
Foto: Jesus Antonio Vargas
É um
prato a base de peixes de carne branca e pouca gordura, também podem ser
utilizados camarões, lulas e polvos. Existe uma versão que o ceviche já existe
a 2000 A.C, quando era utilizado pelo povo Mochica do litoral norte do Peru
onde o peixe era marinado ao suco de tumbo (similar ao maracujá). Os Incas faziam
o ceviche marinando com chinchia bebida fermentada a base de milho. Depois foi
acrescentado a pimenta (chilli) e o limão. Hoje o ceviche é temperado com
cebola, salsa, orégano, wasabi, shoyu e coentro, de acordo com o gosto de cada
pessoa. O motivo da utilização de um prato como este deve estar embasado nas
condições precárias de conservação dos alimentos e a grande disponibilidade de
peixes na região de origem do ceviche.
de filé de tilápia
400 g de filé
01 limão
01 cebola média
03 g de sal
01 porção de pasta de wasabi
01 colher de sopa de shoyu
01 colher de sopa de azeite de
Coentro fresco, orégano,
gengibre, pimenta e salsa a gosto.
Cortar os filés em fatias de ±
4 cm de comprimento e 0,5 cm de espessura, colocar em uma vasilha de vidro
(pirex) e marinar com limão e sal, levar ao congelador por 15 minutos. Após a
retirada do congelador, temperar com gengibre ralado, salsa, coentro, cebola,
orégano, wasabi, pimenta calabresa desidratada, shoyu e azeite.
Para quem não gosta do sabor
picante, a pimenta, wasabi e gengibre é opcional. O ceviche pode ser servido
como aperitivo ou entrada acompanhado
com tortilhas mexicanas, torradas ou pão. Ou pode ser o prato principal de uma
refeição, acompanhado com batatas e salada, e é muito saboroso.
Fonte: Wikipédia
"A little story about ceviche die
or cevice"
It is a dish based on white fish and low fat and shrimp can also be used, squid and octopi. There is a version that already exists ceviche to 2000 BC, when it was used by people Mochica north coast of Peru where the fish was marinated in juice tumbo (similar to passion fruit). The Incas were the ceviche marinated with chinchia brew from corn. Then it was added pepper (chilli) and lemon. Today is the ceviche seasoned with onions, parsley, oregano, wasabi, soy sauce and cilantro, according to the taste of each person. The reason for using a dish like this must be grounded in precarious food preservation and availability of large fish in the region of origin of ceviche.
Ceviche fillet of tilapia
400 g fillet
01 lemon
01 medium onion
03 g salt
01 portion of wasabi paste
01 tbsp soy sauce
01 tbsp olive oil
Fresh coriander, oregano, ginger, pepper and parsley to taste.
Cut the steaks into slices of ± 4 cm long and 0.5 cm thick, place in a glass bowl (Pyrex) and marinate with lemon and salt, bring to the freezer for 15 minutes. After removal from the freezer, seasoning with grated ginger, parsley, cilantro, onion, oregano, wasabi, dried chilli, soy sauce and olive oil.
For those who do not like spicy flavor, pepper, wasabi and ginger is optional. The ceviche can be served as an aperitif or served with input Mexican tortillas, toast or bread. Or it can be the main course of a meal, accompanied with potatoes and salad, and it's very tasty.
It is a dish based on white fish and low fat and shrimp can also be used, squid and octopi. There is a version that already exists ceviche to 2000 BC, when it was used by people Mochica north coast of Peru where the fish was marinated in juice tumbo (similar to passion fruit). The Incas were the ceviche marinated with chinchia brew from corn. Then it was added pepper (chilli) and lemon. Today is the ceviche seasoned with onions, parsley, oregano, wasabi, soy sauce and cilantro, according to the taste of each person. The reason for using a dish like this must be grounded in precarious food preservation and availability of large fish in the region of origin of ceviche.
Ceviche fillet of tilapia
400 g fillet
01 lemon
01 medium onion
03 g salt
01 portion of wasabi paste
01 tbsp soy sauce
01 tbsp olive oil
Fresh coriander, oregano, ginger, pepper and parsley to taste.
Cut the steaks into slices of ± 4 cm long and 0.5 cm thick, place in a glass bowl (Pyrex) and marinate with lemon and salt, bring to the freezer for 15 minutes. After removal from the freezer, seasoning with grated ginger, parsley, cilantro, onion, oregano, wasabi, dried chilli, soy sauce and olive oil.
For those who do not like spicy flavor, pepper, wasabi and ginger is optional. The ceviche can be served as an aperitif or served with input Mexican tortillas, toast or bread. Or it can be the main course of a meal, accompanied with potatoes and salad, and it's very tasty.
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